I’ve always wanted a tattoo. I like the designs and color. The only problem is that I have this rule to where once I come up with an idea I have to wait three years before I get it. If I still want that design after three years then I will get it. While no idea has passed two years, I still wanted to find a way to ‘get a tattoo’ without the commitment. I wanted it to last longer than a day with those stickers we got as kids and ended up stumbling upon some temporary tattoo kits.

The great think about the kits is they last a few days and hold up against sweat and water. These temporary tattoos are perfect if I want to attend an event or festival and want something that will last. I also like that for more simple designs, you can test it out for a few days at first. I found that these temporary tattoos like for about 4 days even with workouts and showers. While I would like to find one that lasts longer I thought these were great.
How To use the Temporary Tattoo Kit
The kit itself is pretty easy to use! I ordered one with two bottles. One black and one brown. The nozzle is thin enough to give you some accuracy and thin lines although the bottle itself is a little difficult to squeeze. There are some designs inside. I ended up getting some vinyl and cutting out my own design which I felt made it easier.
You put the ink on for a couple of hours and leave it on to dry. I have read reviews that it does bother some people’s skin so it’s recommended per their instructions that people try it on a small piece of skin beforehand. I found the thicker you apply the ink, the darker it forms.
As a Texas girl I had to go with a Texas design!
@mycurlyadventures How’d it turn out? ##texasforlife ##thatstexasforya ##texascheck ##texanforlife ##texasbound ##texaspride
♬ In The End – Mellen Gi Remix – Tommee Profitt

If I had applied it a little thicker, it would have come out thicker as I had tested with a smaller sticker and forgot to photograph it. However, I also found putting it on my side was a little tricky since my stencil moved around a bit! Staying perfectly still vs. putting it on my arm where I could have moved around more was difficult.

I did try it on my arm in brown! I had a lot of people tell me it looked a birthmark! When I first took off the ink it was super light. Then as time passed it got a little darker.
In the end I thought these were so fun! I loved playing with designs. I’ll probably cut out some more vinyl or check for some stencils online!

Last Updated 10 months ago by Jessica Serna | Published: May 10, 2020