I’ve heard of peach picking, strawberry picking, and all sorts of fruit picking. What I never heard of before, though, is pecan picking. Well in the Pecan Capital of the World, San Saba, Texas, you can try your hand at pecan picking. And with over 1,000 varietals of pecans, including some high up in trees that you have to shake up to trees short enough that you can grab with your hands, pecan picking turns out to be a lot of fun! And a little bit of a workout!

Not only is San Saba a beautiful town perfect for a weekend getaway, but it’s also the Pecan Capital of the World. As soon as you drive into San Saba, it’s easy to see why. Miles and miles of pecan groves greet you as you drive into town. However, most of these pecan trees are privately owned and not open to the public.
All but one place, the San Saba River Company. Not only does the San Saba River Company sell delicious pecan fudge and pecan jams, but you can also visit their grove to pick pecans. As soon as you drive in, you are met by rows and rows of perfectly aligned pecan trees greeting you to take a romantic stroll through the grove.

There’s a small shop in the center where you can try the different pecan products or pickup your gear to go pecan picking: a bucket and a long rod. They take you out to the fields where they show you a couple different kinds of pecans. I was surprised to see that you actually had to take the pecans out of these green shells in some of the trees. The pecan trees seemed to go on forever with different trees producing different kinds of pecans.

Some of the trees were short enough that you can grab them with your hands.

Others are higher up, so you have to use a rod to shake up the branches. The pecans fall to the ground and you pick them up. There’s definitely no fruit picking experience I’ve had quite like pecan picking.

Overall, pecan picking in San Saba, Texas is an experience you don’t want to miss. After picking your pecans, you can hang out at one of their picnic tables for a nice picnic and enjoy a relaxing evening. Don’t forget to check out all of the other fun things to do in San Saba, Texas.

Last Updated 2 years ago by Jessica Serna | Published: November 12, 2019