In high school and college I was the all around fit girl. I would go from cross country practice to my ballet class to whatever fun fit event was going on. After college I had a less flexible work schedule. Suddenly I couldn’t fit in 2-3 workouts a day (yes I was that obsessed!) and I had to be more intentional about planning them out. I joined a fitness group and would wake up at 6AM to get my workout in. I loved being part of a group, until I got sick.
I had some personal things in life that affected my energy and I was barely able to go from work to bed, let alone get a workout in. I saw my stamina and muscle definition decrease and dreamed of working out again once I got better. Eventually I overcame the major effects of what was ailing me, but my motivation to workout was no longer there. I was afraid to go back to the people that I could once keep up with and know I would fall behind. The fit person I remembered being was no longer there and I was scared to face the new and unfit me.
I know many people are in my same position. Maybe they remember themselves being fit or maybe they never started that fitness journey, but that most important part is the start. Find what excites you and what seems less intimidating.
I started with yoga. Yoga isn’t that hard right? Actually- when done right yoga is hard!! But everyone is understanding! I would stand in the back of the room and focus on what mattered the most to me-strengthening my core- until I felt comfortable enough to progress to something new. Then I tried weight lifting. It was harder, but I loved how strong I felt (even though I was lifting way less than everyone else!). The instructor encouraged me to add weights and corrected my form. Soon I realized that everyone was too focused on catching their breath to pay attention to my shortcomings. And if they were, well, then they were at a petty level too low for me to worry about. I was getting stronger and that’s what mattered. All of this was motivation to keep going!
And as celebration to myself I thought some fabulous fitness gear was in order. I wanted to feel fabulous when I walked into my workout. Time to wake up my fitness wardrobe to match my refound fit life!
I signed up for Wantable– a fashion and fitness subscription company that sent pieces right to my door! I loved that I could try clothes right in my home!

Sometimes I also like to find fun outdoor locations to open my packages #bloggerlife
I was the type of person who would put on a pair of athletic shorts and call it a day, but after receiving my fitness style edit from Wantable, I have to say I’m seriously excited to get back into the workout game!
I love how my stylist paired 7 items that all flowed together so well. On colder days I could pair my leggings with this comfy jacket and on warmer days I could wear this lilac top with a fun back!
On the days I felt extra bold I could just wear the leggings with the sports bra!
I also received the leggings below for another outfit!
I took 5 of the 7 items that I was given and was able to create 5 different workout outfits! I had so much fun trying the different styles and can’t wait to see what I receive next.
Wantable has different outfits for every budget although they tend to feature more brands within the $50-$100 range. I immediately noticed the quality of my leggings which caused some great booty lift and leg toning! I felt so confident when trying on my new clothes that I was ready to start working out immediately!
This week I start working out again with the tribe I used to be a part of. I know I’m going to be slower. I know I’m going to take more breaks and watch them pass me. I know I will get a little discouraged. But I remember that they’re happy I’m there and that I’m focusing on my fitness. And I remember that I have to re-start somewhere.
I want to look fabulous when I’m 60. I want to continue to travel the world and I know that only comes with taking care of myself. And it takes one step at a time. Who else is in? My favorite workout motivation tip is to go to sleep in the clothes you’re going to workout in the next day. Then it’s harder to say no.
I was gifted these products in exchange for my honest feedback. All opinions are my own.
Last Updated 1 year ago by Jessica Serna | Published: March 22, 2018