Chief and I graduated proud Comets! It’s where we met over a game of soccer and where we created so many special memories. It had been a few years since we last visited and one thing, I could not believe was how much UTD had changed! New buildings had popped up, the dining options had greatly changed, and the housing options now feel like real apartment living. We toured the Northside Apartments which were a walk away from the classrooms.

Northside Apartments gives the convenience and lifestyle of on campus living with the independence and sleek design of off campus living. The great thing too is that they have so many different housing options to that people can find what best fits their budget and lifestyle. From high end tech powered apartments to multistory condos, you have the option to live solo or with friends.

Not only does Northside have the great apartment styles, but they amenities themselves are just as incredible. They have resort style pools, a gaming lounge, CrossFit style gyms, complimentary latte machines, and plenty of places for lounges.

Of course Northside is off campus housing for UT Dallas so student life is quite important. Throughout the complex, they have trendy study spaces that make reading through books a little more appealing. Maybe it’ll inspire less last-minute cramming?

Overall, we couldn’t believe how much UT Dallas has changed. It brought back so many fond memories and now with new additions like Northside, student life is only getting better and more memorable.

Last Updated 2 years ago by Jessica Serna | Published: May 6, 2021