It’s amazing all of the great items that are now available so that we can help protect our earth. Instead of buying items that we throw away and have to buy more we can save the earth, and often quite a bit of money, by investing in these reusable household items that can replace the common disposable household products!
What’s great is all of these also make great gifts for newlyweds, Christmas, and housewarming gifts!

- Paper Towels: Instead of wasting money on paper towels that you will constantly have to through away, buy some reusable towels to put on your towel rack! Plus they come in beautiful patterns!
- Silicone Dish Sponges: I love my silicone dish sponges! They do a great job of working just the same as the disposable ones and I end up saving so much money in the end!
- Travel Containers: Rather than buying travel sized conditioner, shampoo, etc, look into some travel sized reusable containers! I personally like this one because it has something for all my different products I use!
- Reusable Cotton Pads: Rather than wasting money throwing away all the cotton pads and cotton balls for removing makeup and applying different products, try these reusable cotton pads!
- Shopping Bags: What I like about these reusable shopping bags is that you can already put your items in the correct section. However, there are also already so many free bags out there! Every time I go to an event it’s like someone is handing them out!
- Coffee Pods: If you’re a Keurig user make sure to pick up these reusable coffee pods to reduce the waste we are experiencing from the current disposable pods. There are even reusable pods for the Nespresso machines. Nespresso also recycles the pods so if you are using the regular ones make sure you are using the bags they provide rather than just throwing them away!
- Swiffer Towels: Replace the disposable swiffer towels with these reusable ones! Plus you can easily make your own solution!
- Dental Floss: While this dental floss isn’t reusable, it is eco-friendly, bio-degradable, and comes with a reusable floss holder! It’s a more eco-friendly option to consider!
- To Go Containers: Avoid accumulating extra trash with these reusable to go containers. What I like about these is that they are collapsible so they are easy to keep in your purse.
- Ziplocs: Rather than using the plastic ziploc bags, you can get these reusable bags to pack snacks for lunches, etc.
- Straws: I loved that surge of people using reusable straws! These collapsible ones make them easy to store and clean for extra convenience.
- Nut Milk Maker: I think this milk maker is so fun! I can never finish a whole carton on my own anyways so this makes sure my almond milk never goes bad as well as saves on the waste from the carton!
- Makeup Sponges: I hate using the regular blenders and those things soaking in a bit of my foundation. If I’m paying $50 for my foundation, all of that stuff better end up of my face! So not only are these silicone applicators great for reducing waste, but you also get to keep more of your foundation!
- Dryer Sheets: These wool dryer balls last for about 1,000 uses which goes for much longer than your traditional dryer sheets, improve air flow for less drying time (a cheaper energy bill), act as a fabric softener, and are better for the environment!
- Produce Bags: Instead of using those plastic tear-off bags for fruits and veggies at the grocery store, you can bring these mesh bags to carry your produce in.
- Qtips: I didn’t even know they could make these reusable, but these silicone qtips are so clever and reduce so much plastic and other disposable materials.
- Period Products: I already hate having to buy new period products every month, so finding the period cup and the reusable pads saves money and our earth and prevents us from putting so many chemicals down there.
- Clorox Wipes: Never worry about buying and spending so much money on clorox wipes again using this easy recipe using old t-shirts and household products.
Replace These Common Household Products with Reusable Ones
This list is by no way everything! There are so many different things we can do to take care of the earth that provides for us and saving the environment. I would love to see more companies take initiatives to reduce harmful packaging and offer refillable options. We can also try our best to support those companies that already do! We can look into receipes for other household products that allow us to make in bulk (like detergent) and reuse containers! We can plant our own gardens. We can take part in trash cleanups in our areas. The options are limitless.
The one thing I don’t want is for people to feel overwhelmed. Sometimes we see all that we can do before use and it’s a paralysis that causes us to do nothing. Once change already causes more of a difference than if we did nothing at all. Feel free to share this as well, because one of the greatest differences we can make is by encouraging others to get involved to. Then it becomes a chain effect that empowers us to do even more and cause a greater impact!
Maybe even host a detergent making party at home or get people together for a social event that does good while also allowing people to connect. If you have something you do, I would love to hear! Together we can come together for more ideas and make a difference!

Last Updated 1 year ago by Jessica Serna | Published: April 22, 2020