
Things To Do in Boquillas Mexico

Boquillas, Mexico is a tiny 200 person town just across from Big Bend National Park. In order to get into Boquillas you have to go into Big Bend National Park and cross the border. In this article I will share details on how to get to as well as things to do in Boquillas Mexico. Don’t forget to read about all of the other things to do in Big Bend National Park here.

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How to Get to Boquillas Mexico

For a while the crossing to Boquillas was fairly casual and unregulated. You would simply go to a border where a man would ferry you across the river. About 20 years ago it was shut down and in the past few years it has opened up and has become regulated meaning that there is a border patrol checking station and you can only go during certain hours.

Depending on the season, the days of operation are different so make sure you check the website before going in. During the Summer the check station is open Friday-Monday, 9AM-5PM and during the Winter it is open Wednesday- Sunday 8AM-5PM and is the busier season. The website does not mention when they switch from Summer to Winter seasons so I recommend calling or planning to go during a weekend.

To get to Boquillas follow the signs for Boquillas Canyon which is about a 30-45 minutes drive from the park entrance. You do need to bring your passport although we were not expected to present it until we returned. After passing the check station you walk about 5 minutes until you get to the river where a man in a boat ferries you across. It costs $5 and includes the round trip. They do accept US dollars. Once you cross the other side you can pay about $5 for a truck ride, burro (donkey), or horse ride. You can also walk the mile it takes to get to the town which is what we opted for.

Things to do in Boquillas Mexico

Previously I had read about a man who sings at the entrance. We were there July 2018 and he was not there. I do not know if it was his off day or if he is no longer there, but if you go and see him or not let me know so I can update on this. Just make sure to head back before close or you will be left in Boquillas and I did not see any hotels!

Things to do in Boquillas Mexico

Overall it’s very easy to get to Boquillas!

Things to Do in Boquillas

For a tiny town I have to say there is enough to do in Boquillas to keep you busy for an afternoon. When I asked the locals they said the closest cities within 4 hours.

We started off by walking around the city just to see it. It’s fun to walk around and see some of the abandoned or brightly colored buildings.

Can’t quite head to Mexico anytime soon? I got this beautiful top from Amor A Mexico Boutique with handcrafted items.

There are also a lot of small shops and stands that sell handmade goods!

Things to do in Boquillas Mexico

Overall there are two restaurants and one bar. Jose Falcones is the most popular and it’s hard to miss when walking in! The food here is delicious and you get to drink a margarita and eat food overlooking a canyon while a man plays the guitar and sings. They also have an attached shop which includes beautiful shirts & dresses, colorful blankets, housewares, & other fun and beautiful souvenirs.

Boquillas Cafe is much smaller, but don’t leave it out because of that! They had a menu of three items when we were there that wasn’t printed out and included goat tacos, tamales, and one other item. Their margaritas were pretty good.

Things to do in Boquillas mexico

After shopping, eating, and wandering you have pretty much done all the things to do in Boquillas Mexico! It’s worth the couple of hours to cross and the food is different than the Mexican food we are accustomed to here. If you liked this article, I would love if you would consider heading over to Instagram and giving me a follow?

Last Updated 9 months ago by Jessica Serna | Published: July 13, 2018